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Arm Farm Friday Special Ep.03

Arm Farm Friday Special Ep.03

Jan 19, 2023

Perform HQ

Episode 3

We now move into week 3 and by now i'm hoping you're noticing two things.

1. Your exercise library and variety within your arm training has increased.
2. You're slowly on your way to Thiccer arms.

In case you've missed them you can find the previous two episode here and we recommend starting from the start and joining us through them all.
Arm Farm Ep.01
Arm Farm Ep.02

Today in episode three we're going to putting you through a rest-pause set up.
The beauty of utilising rest-pause or cluster sets is it's a great way to increase load and overall volume on an exercise or bodypart.

Where you could only normal do 6-8 reps.
Breaking it up into 4+4+4 with the same weight will see your ability to extend the set and achieve more reps on a higher weight.

The second thing you'll notice apart from the shortness and efficiency of this session (Looks small on paper but different when you do it). 

Is how your shoulder feels through the single arm work at the end. Ensure the set up is correct. Keep an eye on how your shoulder feels and in Ep.04 we'll run you over the benefits of this style of single arm work. 

Arm Farm Ep.03

Again, all the exercises are hyperlinked for you. Click on the exercises to see a video from our YouTube.


Movement Prep;

45 Incline DB Powell Raise - 2 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated Kettlebell Bottom Up Hold Openers - 2 sets of 20sec/side

Big Movements;

A: Semi-Supinated Grip Chin Ups - 3 sets of 8,6,4 (Try add a little more weight each set).


How to do rest-pause sets:

4 reps, rest 20 sec, 4 reps, rest 20 sec, 4 reps, rest 90 sec.

Pick a weight you could normally do for 8-10 reps. 


Rest-Pause Triceps 

B: Barbell Floor Press - 3 sets of 4+4+4  (Rest 90 sec after each set)


Rest-Pause Biceps

C: Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 sets of 4+4+4 (Rest 90 sec after each set)

Pump Chaser;

4 Rounds with no rest between arms, back to back until all 4 rounds are done each side. Take 120 sec rest at the end of the exercise
D: Single Arm Cable Tricep Extension - Over Shoulder 4 sets of 8-12 reps each side

4 Rounds with no rest between arms, back to back until all 4 rounds are done each side. Take 120 sec rest at the end of the exercise
E: Single Arm High Cable Curl 4 sets of 8-12 reps each side


F: Seated Neutral Grip Bicep Curl - 3 sets of 20,15,10